Tuesday, 17 April 2012

High Blood Pressure

So i must admit i have not been eating right of recent. I had allowed myself to delve into the word of fast crap food and quick easy meals. And the result was a Blood Pressure reading of 194. A few points away from stoke city. I felt fine no dizziness or headaches or anything.

My body is all i have and i was sad that i had allowed myself to get to this level. The doctors recommended that i take medication. I told them to drop off a cliff. Not in so many words, but i agreed that i would think about it. But there is no way this body is getting hooked on medication and prescriptions drugs that i cant even read or begin to pronounce. My blood pressure was right when I came into this world and its because of me it ran wrong. Not family history. Thats more medical garbage. My diet to my mothers diet is totally different. She is near 60 and has not worked out since she was 16. So its impossible that because she has high blood pressure today, i should have it. Its her life style and eating habits that make her pressure the way it is. I guess that why doctors only practice.

But anyway one full week later from my 194 reading, I went to have my pressure checked and it was now 114. How the hell did I do it in 7 days? Ill tell you a few secrets. First I told myself that I did not have high blood pressure (remember everything starts in the mind) I told it i had just eaten wrong and now i'ts  gonna get fixed.

Then i stopped all the fast food and seasonings and ate bland food. Vegetables. Anything with salt or sodium on the label was a no no. If it came with sauce i washed it all off and ate it plain. My body needs only the nutrients not the sodium and salt. It wasn't nice, but it sure beats having a heart attack, or failing liver, diabetes, heart disease, blocked arteries the list goes on and on....ok one more,  having to prick myself everyday and take readings.

I found that Catnip Tea is a little known ancient African secret to relax your blood pressure. Just boil it up and drink it. Have you wondered why your cat is so relaxed? 

So if you have convinced yourself you have high blood pressure, you probably still do. But its high because your body is not running right. Only because of the food you eat or have eaten over the years. So it has to pump more blood causing more pressure. its working extra hard for you. Some point its gonna give out.

So if you wanna drop your pressure super fast. Just cut it all out for a week or two, and eat more conscious. There is no right or wrong way to eat. Just be conscious of what goes in your body. And please  don't worship two masters, vegetables and fish today and junk food and high sodium tomorrow, it wont work. Just ask anybody thats 300 pounds and they train in the gym every day and come home at night and eat fried dinners. Or those that like to drive their petrol cars with diesel fuel.

Trust me we need our bodies right on the inside much much more than on the outside.


I have become addicted to the art of movement. The wonder of defying your mind and I'm proud to say I'm a freerunner.

Its more than just a person running and jumping. The challenge begins in your mind. As a child,  I dreamed of being able to leap off a buildings or jump over cars or anything that laid in my way like Superman. But back then it seemed impossible. Years later its become possible. I marvel at these movies and action heros knowing they need wires and trampoline and stunt guys, to do the stuff that really makes them look cool.

This is really about facing your fears or moreover the limits of the mind. If you cant do it one day, you come back the next day and stand thinking the same thing. There is no trying. Only doing.

I'm sitting here now excited like a child, about to go Disney Land cause i know in a few moments i will be out in my environment, just me and my mind my best friend. Thats what it really is. Everything takes place in our minds. Always has done... always will do.